Tested to the max

We provide the strongest solution for your clean and hygienic facility project. PolySto, expert in hygienic design and construction materials for over 30 years in more than 99 countries.

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Total solution
Quality product

Our projects

PolySto established successful projects throughout the world. Our products are already used in more than 99 countries worldwide!

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Food logistics

Aldi distribution center - Lille, France

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Cis Van den Broeck - Antwerp, Belgium

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Europastry - Guadalajara, Spain

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Ready Meals

Hilton Food Group - Västerås, Sweden

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Food ingredients

Griffith Foods - Herentals, Belgium

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Huyghe - Melle, Belgium

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Hanos - Apeldoorn, Netherlands

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Luis Silvério e Filhos - Nazaré, Portugal

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Our products

PolySto provides maximum protection for hygienic areas, from floor to ceiling.

The PolySto Group developed an extensive range of hygienic products consisting of:

Master Installer

PolySto Group BV is always looking for dedicated partners and installation companies.

To achieve the label ‘Master Installer’ we offer specific training sessions in our academy. Lift your installation skills to a next level!

Contact us to become a Master Installer

How can we help?

If you require more specific information or want to discuss your project.

Contact us Or call us on +32 9 33 77 660

PolySto highlights

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Discover how PolySto can help in hygienic construction.

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Exhibitions 2024

08/10/24 – 10/10/24

Nuremberg, Germany

Hall 9 – Booth 140

05/11/24 – 07/11/2024

Dubai, UAE

Za'Abeel Hall 2 - Booth Z2-B28